Joyful Musical Madness
PopQuiz@Tivoli 15 december 2022
maximaal aantal punten: 162
Ronde 1: I wanna sax you up (20 p.)
Ronde 2: Connexxion (32)
Ronde 3: Video Killed The Radio Star (32)
Ronde 4: Combiregeling (50)
Ronde 5: Radio 2voor12 (28)
1. INO (19, 29, 20, 50, 26) 144
2. Bananadrama & the funboy three (20, 30, 21, 49, 22) 142
3. Veni Vidi Avicii (19, 27, 21, 48, 25) 140
4. 2 decimeter sessies (17, 25, 19, 47, 23) 131
De Oude Rupsen (17, 27, 19, 45, 23) 131
The Smart Mates (17, 30, 19, 41, 24) 131
7. The Dead Beers (17, 25, 19, 36, 26) 123
8. Ring of Fire (18, 26, 17, 39, 20) 120
9. FANS! (18, 26, 16, 36, 23) 119
Jukebox Heros (18, 25, 20, 39, 17) 119
11. Who the F*ck is living next door to Alice (16, 27, 21, 32, 22) 118
Witte Gij't? (15, 21, 15, 49, 18) 118
13. Slippery People (17, 22, 15, 41, 22) 117
14. De Jongh Ones (15, 24, 17, 37, 23) 116
15. Han wordt niet vervolgd (17, 21, 21, 35, 20) 114
Wild Guess (18, 22, 18, 32, 24) 114
17. Blitzkrieg Boppers (17, 25, 18, 30, 23) 113
Drie Thai Thai en een Thee (16, 23, 17, 36, 21) 113
Ronda Linstadt (15, 25, 17, 35, 21) 113
20. Driving Home for Quizmas (16, 24, 16, 35, 21) 112
Himlimited (13, 23, 17, 39, 20) 112
22. D666 (15, 18, 26, 35, 17) 111
Los Desperados del Corazon (18, 21, 16, 34, 22) 111
24. De Konincks (11, 21, 19, 40, 19) 110
Hertzbergers (15, 15, 21, 44, 15) 110
The Beautiful Ones (15, 19, 20, 36, 20) 110
The Real Millie Vanillies (16, 18, 23, 31, 22) 110
28. Inquizitors (14, 25, 16, 41, 12) 108
29. Pulp (16, 19, 21, 33, 18) 107
30. Cassettebandjes (17, 21, 16, 34, 18) 106
Grace Jonestown Massacre (17, 19, 13, 36, 21) 106
32. Eriks korte harem (17, 20, 14, 35, 19) 105
Fiction (15, 23, 21, 29, 17) 105
Wij worden 11de (14, 18, 15, 41, 17) 105
35. 5 middle-aged cannibals (18, 21, 13, 37, 14) 103
36. The 'O'-JAA's (14, 21, 17, 29, 17) 98
37. Cocktail Kwartet (16, 17, 18, 32, 14) 97
38. Abe's Zwemclub (14, 16, 19, 28, 17) 94
39. Rondom Dom (16, 20, 12, 24, 21) 93
40. Chaos (16, 18, 14, 26, 15) 89
41. Habbakruk (15, 21, 15, 22, 14) 87
42. Clan Medeiros (14, 23, 11, 25, 13) 86
43. Jet (15, 19, 12, 23, 16) 85
Nerd Alert! (14, 19, 14, 21, 17) 85
45. Fab 5 (13, 18, 13, 25, 15) 84
Shrek (8, 15, 15, 18, 28) 84
47. AHA! (17, 18, 12, 20, 16) 83
Tegen het gaas (15, 17, 11, 26, 14) 83
49. Down Under (11, 16, 12, 25, 18) 82
50. Hein is te laat (15, 19, 11, 20, 16) 81
The War on Hugs (10, 13, 17, 30, 11) 81
The Who knows (12, 15, 10, 26, 18) 81
53. De Kruijfjes (11, 17, 12, 26, 14) 80
54. Beterschap Marieke (12, 16, 10, 25, 16) 79
55. Waar Bunnik (14, 13, 13, 24, 14) 78
56. Depressed Mode (6, 16, 16, 27, 10) 75
57. The Rookies (12, 16, 9, 18, 17) 72
58. De Vleespetten (10, 11, 16, 25, 8) 70
59. Bij Hoevelaken Linksaf (14, 15, 10, 14, 14) 67
60. Quizy Rasual (7, 12, 13, 23, 11) 66
61. Racekomkommer (6, 16, 15, 17, 9) 63
62. Lymewire (12, 13, 11, 18, 7) 61
63. Kentalis (8, 12, 10, 22, 8) 60
The Kloeks (11, 10, 9, 17, 13) 60
65. Adje (11, 13, 11, 11, 12) 58
66. Mad Girls in Town (3, 13, 11, 23, 7) 57
67. Commadoors (8, 14, 10, 11, 9) 52
68. Bitterballen (8, 9, 10, 21, 2) 50
69. Macharry (6, 9, 11, 16, 6) 48
70. Bar rechts (3, 11, 11, 7, 3) 35
71. Hoover (, 12, 8, 13, ) 33
Team Glas (8, 11, 14, , ) 33
73. De Leffes (5, 10, 7, , ) 22
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