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PopQuiz@Tivoli 31 mei 2023
maximaal aantal punten: 182
Ronde 1: Word Up (40 p.)
Ronde 2: Conexxion (32)
Ronde 3: Video Killed The Radio Star (32)
Ronde 4: Combiregeling (50)
Ronde 5: Radio 2voor12 (28)
1. 2 Decimeter Sessies (27, 30, 20, 47, 26) 150
2. Bonnie Tyler the Creator (30, 29, 23, 39, 27) 148
3. Flat Eric with no Dominoes (28, 25, 23, 43, 26) 145
De Oude Strepsils (31, 23, 24, 42, 25) 145
5. Tina Turner Overdrive (25, 28, 25, 40, 24) 142
Ronda Lindstadt (27, 22, 26, 45, 22) 142
7. Bacon & Beans (30, 25, 25, 38, 23) 141
8. Witte Gij't? (27, 26, 24, 39, 24) 140
9. A Certain RatINO (32, 23, 23, 38, 22) 138
10. Goed beschonken ten ijs (29, 23, 22, 37, 21) 132
Ring of Fire (34, 19, 21, 37, 21) 132
12. Who the f*ck is living ne*t door to Alice (30, 22, 18, 40, 19) 129
13. Los Desperados del Corazon (27, 22, 19, 36, 24) 128
Slippery People, the (28, 25, 22, 32, 21) 128
15. Dear Valerie (27, 24, 19, 33, 23) 126
16. Alex Turner Overdrive (21, 23, 23, 34, 23) 124
Blitzzkrieg Boppers (20, 24, 22, 37, 21) 124
De Konincks (27, 24, 17, 40, 16) 124
19. De Jongh Ones (23, 18, 23, 40, 19) 123
Jukebox Heroes, the (26, 21, 19, 38, 19) 123
Cock Smoker (27, 23, 20, 36, 17) 123
22. Wild Guess (27, 21, 17, 34, 23) 122
Dead Beers (23, 19, 19, 43, 18) 122
Real Milli Vanilli's, the (24, 25, 24, 33, 16) 122
25. Smart Mates (25, 23, 13, 38, 21) 120
26. Abe's gele Speedo (23, 18, 21, 37, 20) 119
27. Is Tina Turner? (24, 22, 24, 26, 20) 116
K-Bouters (24, 20, 20, 38, 14) 116
29. The Outdoor Types (27, 22, 15, 28, 23) 115
Toet noch Blaas (22, 15, 18, 38, 22) 115
31. Eric's haren (26, 25, 19, 29, 15) 114
32. Abe's zwemclub (20, 18, 23, 38, 14) 113
33. Nerd Alert (26, 18, 18, 28, 21) 111
Clan Medeiros (30, 18, 16, 33, 14) 111
35. Schmetterling (23, 26, 18, 29, 14) 110
36. het Doove gat (23, 16, 18, 32, 20) 109
De Lekkies (22, 23, 15, 35, 14) 109
Clang (25, 17, 24, 30, 13) 109
39. Inquizzitors, the (24, 17, 17, 32, 18) 108
40. Row Zero (27, 16, 18, 25, 20) 106
41. 4 bier en een droge witte wijn (26, 15, 14, 37, 13) 105
Boris 8 jaar (24, 21, 17, 30, 13) 105
43. Dallie (25, 14, 14, 33, 18) 104
Grace Jonestown Massacre (23, 17, 14, 33, 17) 104
Crisis? What Crisis? (27, 15, 17, 33, 12) 104
46. Five middle aged cannibals (19, 20, 22, 27, 15) 103
2 Non Blondes (26, 20, 20, 25, 12) 103
48. Cassettebandje (22, 18, 15, 31, 12) 98
49. De Borrelplankjes (29, 17, 12, 27, 12) 97
Death Crab for Cutie (24, 17, 19, 25, 12) 97
51. Moonway Maniacs (20, 17, 16, 27, 16) 96
52. Bloodywood (23, 18, 13, 31, 10) 95
53. Proud Mary's (21, 13, 20, 28, 10) 92
54. Wie Bunnik? (22, 16, 13, 30, 10) 91
WC Domkop (22, 17, 17, 26, 9) 91
56. Kommaardoors (22, 13, 15, 25, 14) 89
57. Pletspulp FM (19, 13, 15, 27, 13) 87
58. Hisama (22, 13, 9, 30, 10) 84
Mariekerrr (24, 10, 12, 30, 8) 84
60. Marc & Auke! (18, 14, 13, 24, 14) 83
61. Heerlijk heldere kweekies (23, 9, 12, 21, 17) 82
62. Four Quizzers on the Ronda Floor (16, 16, 17, 20, 12) 81
Fuif met de Kruyf (17, 13, 12, 27, 12) 81
nspiratieloos (20, 16, 15, 25, 5) 81
65. Down Under (15, 12, 13, 25, 12) 77
66. Huize Dubbelspoor (20, 11, 15, 16, 12) 74
67. Doe maar wat / Flying Dutch/ [??] (26, 12, 10, 18, 6) 72
Masanici (19, 9, 14, 24, 6) 72
69. Scapiῇo (17, 7, 13, 24, 9) 70
Bram (20, 15, 8, 19, 8) 70
71. McHarry (11, 11, 7, 25, 7) 61
72. Zuidasbak (13, 7, 12, 21, 6) 59
73. Huisclowns, de (13, 8, 6, 19, 5) 51
74. Team Glas (8, 7, 14, 15, 4) 48
75. Tivoli barteam (15, 6, 8, , ) 29
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