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PopQuiz@Tivoli 6 juni 2008
maximaal aantal punten: 162
Ronde 1: Introost (20 p.)
Ronde 2: Combiregeling (50)
Ronde 3: Video Killed The Radio Star (32)
Ronde 4: Radio 2voor12 (30)
Ronde 5: Fortune Fairytales (30)
1. Marco Borsatan & Danny Antichristian (19, 50, 30, 27, 28) 154
2. Strepsils (20, 49, 25, 28, 29) 151
3. Exxen (20, 50, 22, 30, 28) 150
4. Blitzkrieg Boppers (20, 49, 23, 29, 28) 149
Jesus Christ Supertramp (18, 50, 22, 30, 29) 149
6. Domstadgroep (20, 50, 19, 28, 29) 146
Oude Rupsen (19, 50, 21, 27, 29) 146
8. Oxford Comma's (19, 49, 19, 28, 29) 144
9. Life is a Cosmic Symphony (20, 49, 21, 26, 26) 142
10. Tom, Kees en de Beentjes (20, 49, 20, 24, 28) 141
We Are But Men (18, 49, 24, 24, 26) 141
12. Fartknockers (19, 48, 27, 21, 25) 140
We Are Legends (16, 50, 20, 27, 27) 140
14. Bat Dancers (19, 49, 20, 28, 22) 138
15. Hits en Flitz (20, 49, 23, 19, 26) 137
16. Pop die Vaas (18, 50, 13, 25, 29) 135
17. Helemaal niets in 020 (19, 47, 22, 21, 23) 132
Trieste Trio (16, 48, 18, 27, 23) 132
19. Boo (17, 49, 13, 23, 28) 130
Forever Autumn (17, 50, 16, 27, 20) 130
21. PK-selectie (16, 49, 17, 25, 23) 130
Witte Gijt (17, 48, 14, 24, 27) 130
23. Team met Tom (16, 48, 16, 25, 24) 129
24. Cosmic Top Secret (16, 48, 21, 24, 19) 128
Los Desperados Del Corazon (17, 47, 20, 19, 25) 128
26. Altijd Lastig (18, 48, 14, 19, 27) 126
Legal Eagles (18, 47, 14, 21, 26) 126
Top Zoveel (16, 48, 17, 20, 25) 126
29. Stelletje Amateurs! (19, 48, 20, 14, 24) 125
30. Coyotes (14, 50, 11, 26, 23) 124
31. INO (17, 48, 16, 19, 23) 123
32. Pipi Revival (16, 47, 17, 21, 21) 122
33. Fritzl Sizzle (20, 47, 14, 16, 24) 121
Marco (18, 48, 12, 18, 25) 121
35. Frans (15, 47, 15, 20, 23) 120
36. Tanja's Nerd Alert Party People (15, 40, 21, 19, 24) 119
Team Elf (15, 39, 20, 19, 26) 119
Ziggy Pop (17, 47, 17, 16, 22) 119
39. Snackbar de Rotonde (17, 47, 11, 13, 26) 114
40. George C & the Starlets (12, 46, 16, 19, 20) 113
41. DKVs (16, 46, 10, 13, 25) 110
Queen Arthur (14, 46, 18, 14, 18) 110
Tony's Angels (15, 46, 9, 14, 26) 110
44. Desempacotamento (16, 45, 15, 13, 19) 108
Southern Hospitality (15, 38, 16, 16, 23) 108
46. Danny's (15, 47, 15, 11, 18) 106
Dave (16, 47, 5, 17, 21) 106
Spargo (14, 40, 12, 17, 23) 106
49. 5 Tegen 1 (13, 47, 8, 15, 22) 105
Lafbek (13, 44, 7, 17, 24) 105
51. Mambo (0, 46, 22, 16, 18) 102
Vrijblijvend (17, 39, 9, 16, 21) 102
Williebillies (13, 37, 18, 13, 21) 102
54. 2 Bacon & Beans (13, 42, 5, 14, 24) 98
Alicia Keyspijn (8, 39, 11, 15, 25) 98
Indielicious (10, 45, 13, 14, 16) 98
57. Vredenburg (12, 39, 15, 13, 18) 97
58. Theun (14, 42, 8, 11, 20) 95
59. A-team (15, 42, 11, 8, 18) 94
Kleine Vogel (11, 43, 12, 9, 19) 94
61. The Four Roses (14, 38, 13, 10, 18) 93
62. Big Pointy Teeth (11, 38, 15, 4, 21) 89
The Pipettes (12, 45, 9, 5, 18) 89
64. IHKV de Bierbeperking (11, 28, 20, 8, 14) 81
65. Muziekbarbaren (10, 40, 7, 9, 13) 79
Tampert (15, 30, 12, 7, 15) 79
67. Hans en Joke (11, 23, 15, 10, 17) 76
68. Linda Roos en Jessica (9, 33, 8, 6, 17) 73
69. De Klop (8, 29, 6, 11, 12) 66
70. Leeftijd (3, 23, 5, 11, 13) 55
71. Ruela (9, 16, 8, 4, 17) 54
72. Suikeroom (6, 21, 4, 3, 15) 49
73. Deedees (9, 29, , , ) 38
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