Three Imaginary Boys

Joyful Musical Madness

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PopQuiz@Tivoli 23 oktober 2014

maximaal aantal punten: 162
Ronde 1: Introost (20 p.)
Ronde 2: Connexxion (32)
Ronde 3: Video Killed The Radio Star (32)
Ronde 4:
Combiregeling (50)
Ronde 5: Radio 2voor12 (28)

1. De Sweet and Tender Hooligans (18, 27, 24, 50, 23) 142
2. Blind Vertrouwen (16, 28, 21, 50, 26) 141
3. Snackbar Ino Calling (17, 25, 24, 47, 27) 140
4. Outsiders (20, 26, 21, 42, 28) 137
5. 2 decimeter sessies (16, 24, 23, 44, 23) 130
    Kettingzaag (14, 24, 25, 42, 25) 130
7. De Twee rupsen (16, 25, 23, 38, 25) 127
8. The Strepsils (15, 25, 27, 36, 22) 125
    Wild Guess (18, 22, 18, 42, 25) 125
10. Smart Mates (12, 28, 17, 39, 27) 123
    Veni, Vidi, Avicii (18, 25, 16, 38, 26) 123
12. Never Gonna Give You Hoff (15, 24, 17, 37, 23) 116
13. De Cassettebandjes (14, 23, 19, 36, 23) 115
    Fans! (18, 26, 14, 33, 24) 115
15. Het Haarstukje (15, 20, 17, 37, 22) 111
16. De Lekkies (15, 21, 17, 34, 18) 105
17. 2 Non Blondes + Suus en Slooc (14, 17, 18, 37, 18) 104
    Buurman & Buurman (13, 21, 18, 34, 18) 104
    The Who Knows (15, 18, 19, 30, 22) 104
20. De Konincks (15, 17, 20, 33, 16) 101
21. De Tim Tim club (17, 25, 17, 21, 19) 99
    Slippery People (15, 23, 16, 28, 17) 99
    the Real Milli Vanillis (9, 17, 15, 37, 21) 99
24. Baywatch (15, 22, 21, 27, 12) 97
    Witte Gij't (13, 19, 16, 33, 16) 97
26. Ajeto (13, 16, 14, 36, 15) 94
    Blitzkrieg Boppers (11, 19, 14, 29, 21) 94
    Sly & The Family Meijer (12, 19, 14, 33, 16) 94
29. 999 (11, 20, 15, 28, 18) 92
30. Beat Axel (14, 17, 17, 27, 13) 88
    Habbakruk (12, 15, 16, 26, 19) 88
32. Human League (13, 17, 12, 28, 15) 85
33. Nada Smurf (13, 15, 14, 30, 12) 84
34. D666 (12, 18, 11, 29, 12) 82
    Ferdilicious, Sanchez & The Bitches (15, 16, 12, 24, 15) 82
36. Abraham (11, 20, 11, 28, 11) 81
37. Hall of Frame (9, 15, 13, 24, 18) 79
38. Een Roos en Twee Potten (11, 12, 13, 25, 15) 76
39. Down Under (10, 18, 8, 22, 12) 70
40. Het Zieke Kraaien Trio (15, 17, 12, 17, 6) 67
41. Zuilen (9, 14, 9, 25, 8) 65
42. Nick Craanen (4, 10, 4, 23, 6) 47
43. Nowhere (3, 8, 10, 15, 8) 44
44. Nerd Alert Senior (4, 7, 6, 14, 7) 38
45. De UFO piloten (3, 6, 0, 13, 5) 27
46. Huisbaas Bob (5, 4, 1, 8, 3) 21


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